
Breaking in the new girl

At SevenStars Incorporated, we strive to ensure all our employees feel right at home from day one. Friendliness and a good atmosphere are an obvious must, ju...

Fun in the library

Ember and Sonia are continuing their hypntoic rampage throughout campus. They make a stop at the library, and have some fun with Sam and Jupiter. The latter ...

Sam’s nudist class

Looks like we found who unleashed a rampaging hypnotic Sonia on campus… Embers seems to have a blast, and even borught some of her favorite anime girls to sh...

Sonia’s Masturbation class

What happens when you let a sex-crazed and rather dominant sexbot in a college full of hypnotically submissive girls? Well, pretty much this.

Daisy’s workout

Looks like Daisy has been talked into changing her morning routine… Or rather, she’s been hypnotized into upgrading it. But she’s left her video call on?