
Clone Prototypes

Join the guided tour of SevenStars’ Clone Slave Factories… The visit start with the Prototype Labs, where Skip’s mind is being copied into two clones.

Breaking in the new girl

At SevenStars Incorporated, we strive to ensure all our employees feel right at home from day one. Friendliness and a good atmosphere are an obvious must, ju...

Anno’s Promotion

At SevenStars Incorporated, we make sure our employees find fulfillment in their career. There is always a way to get promoted to a new position.

Office Drones at SevenStars

At SevenStars Incorporated, we take great care of our employees. And we take the term “Office Drone” quite literally.

Maddy’s New Job

Maddy has found a new job, as Ember’s lab assistant. But even with the most foolproof programs to move her around, she still manages to slip and break stuff.

Graybot Research

SevenStars is recieving help from Jade the Graybot to develop a new series of mind-control sextoys.