Dollification Research

Dear Customers,
Who doesn’t like dolls? At SevenStars Incorporated, we love them, which is why we strive to help anyone who wants to become a cute little dolly!
We have recently partnered with Holly the Dolly to experiment with various doll transformation items, after all, who better than a genuine living doll to give advice about being a doll? Holly has kindly accepted to demonstrate her famous dollification wind-up keys, and we have also designed our own dollification option, a pullstring.
Holly’s keys have worked wonders on our product designer Marinette, as expected from such a tried and tested product. On the other hand, the new pullstring doesn’t last as long as a wind-up key, but there is something special to seeing it retract into the back of your favorite slave, coiling into her mind, giving her pretty dolly thoughts.
Which one will you choose? The good ol’ wind-up key we all love, or the sexy twist on the vintage pullstring? Which doll will you be?
Warmly yours,
Eilisha Shiraini
CEO of SevenStars Incorporated
This is an idea I’ve had for long, featuring Holly the Dolly, Hypnohub’s resident living doll. Many thanks to her for accepting to take part in this piece, and of course thanks to BlueBullPen for making it.!